Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: Modern Literature:

Representations: Literary Texts:

G e n e r a l

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Alvi, Moniza. »Foreword: An Unsafe Subject.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: xi-xx.

[Info] Arellano-Neri, Olimpia. Cinematographic and Literary Representations of the Femicides in Ciudad Juarez. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cincinnati, 2013.

[Info] Bandau, Anja. »Vergewaltigung als Trope? Texte über den Genozid in Ruanda.« Bürgerkrieg. Erfahrung und Repräsentation. Edited by Isabella von Treskow et al. Berlin 2005: 225-257.

[Info] Büsser, Martin. Lustmord – Mordlust. Das Sexualverbrechen als ästhetisches Sujet im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Mainz 2000.

[Info] Dietz, P.E., et al. »Detective magazines. Pornography for the sexual sadist?« Journal of forensic sciences 31 (1986): 197-211.

[Info] Doane, Janice, et al. Telling incest. Narratives of dangerous remembering from Stein to Sapphire. Ann Arbor 2001.

[Info] Horowitz, Sara R. »The rhetoric of embodied memory in "In the City of Slaughter".« Prooftexts 25 (2005): 73-85.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary. Columbus 2014.

[Info] Ko, Jeongyun. »Politics of Representation: Americanization of Korean Comfort Women and Camptown Sex Worker Discourses.« (Journal of the English Language and Literature) 56 (2014): 19-46.

[Info] Lagrange, Frédéric. »Modern Arabic Literature and the Disappearance of Mujun: Same-Sex Rape as a Case Study.« The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: Essays in honour of Professor Geert Jan van Gelder. Edited by Adam Talib et al. 2014: 230-253.

[Info] Libbey, Allison J. The Telling of Trauma: Narratives of Rape in Twentieth-Century Hispanic Culture. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Virginia. 2013.

[Info] McLain, Adam. »Introduction to Sexual Violence and Science Fiction Symposium.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-117.

[Info] McLain, Adam, ed. »Symposium: Sexual Violence and Science Fiction .« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-217.

[Info] Migernier, Eric. »Rape as irreversible violence: an existentialist interpretation.« The image of violence in literature, media, and society II. Edited by Will Wright et al. Pueblo 2007: 108-111.

[Info] Ross, Marlon B. »Race, rape, castration. Feminist theories of sexual violence and masculine strategies of black protest.« Masculinity studies and feminist theory. New directions. Edited by Judith K. Gardiner. New York 2002: 305-343.

[Info] Sabelus, Esther. Die weiße Sklavin: Mediale Inszenierungen von Sexualität und Großstadt um 1900. Berlin 2009.

[Info] Sharpe, Jenny. »The unspeakable limits of rape. Colonial violence and counter-insurgency.« Genders No. 10 (1991): 25-46.

[Info] Sharpe, Jenny. »The unspeakable limits of rape. Colonial violence and counter-insurgency.« Colonial discourse and postcolonial theory. A reader. Edited by Patrick Williams et al. New York 1993: 221-243.

[Info] Showalter, Elaine. »Rethinking the seventies. Women writers and violence.« Antioch review 39 (1981): 156-170.

[Info] Zipes, Jack. The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood: Versions of the Tale in Sociocultural Context. South Hadley 1983.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Bos, Pascale R. »Scandalizing Nazi Sexual Violence in Holocaust Literature, 1943-1961.« 47th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2015.

[Info] Busenbark, Lawrence, et al. »Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary.« Boston College Libraries. Boston 2014.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Echoes: A Symposium on Classic-Modern Relations. Birmingham 2018.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Rape, Sisterhood and Deadly Love: Attempting to Centre the Female Experience in Young Adult Novels about the Trojan War.« 15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques. London 2019.

[Info] Hedgepath, Sonja. »Representations of Sexual Violation of Jewish Women during the Holocaust in Literature and the Arts.« 42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2010.

[Info] Ho, Tammy. »Burma/Myanmar: Displacement and Gendered Violence in Literary Testimonies.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Joseph-Gabriel, Annette, et al. »Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary.« New Books in African Studies. New Books Network 2017.

[Info] Lassner, Phyllis. »The Erotics of Terror: Women's Holocaust Fiction.« 4th Annual Meeting of the Space Between Society. Fayetteville 2001.

[Info] Wieden, Anja. »Fiction versus History: The Ethics of Narrating Rape in Holocaust Texts.« Fortieth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2016.

A f r i c a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] General

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Tschofen, Monique Y. »Post-Colonial Allegory and the Empire of Rape.« Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 22 (1995): 501-515.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Burkinabe Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Monique Ilboudo

[Site] Cameroonian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Francis Bebey, Calixthe Beyala

[Site] Chadian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Koulsy Lamko

[Site] Congolese Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Sony Lab'ou Tansi

[Site] Egyptian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Nawal El Saadawi, Zaynab Muhammad, Muhammad Ahmad Yusuf

[Site] Gabonese Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Justine Mintsa

[Site] Ghanaian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Ama Ata Aidoo, Amma Darko

[Site] Guinean Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Tierno Monénembo

[Site] Ivorian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Ahmadou Kourouma, Véronique Tadjo

[Site] Kenyan Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Ngugi wa Thiong'o

[Site] Malian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Modibo Sounkalo Keita, Yambo Ouologuem

[Site] Mauritian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Lindsey Collen

[Site] Moroccan Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Tahar Ben Jelloun

[Site] Nigerian Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Chinua Achebe, Buchi Emecheta, Ken Saro-Wiwa

[Info] Pape, Marion. Frauen schreiben Krieg. Die literarische Verarbeitung des nigerianischen Bürgerkrieges. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2006.

[Site] Nigerien Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Manière Abdoulaye

[Site] Rwandan Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Boubacar Boris Diop

[Site] Somali Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Nuruddin Farah

[Site] South African Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Francis Bancroft, Mark Behr, J.M. Coetzee, George Webb Hardy, Manu Herbstein, Dan Jacobson, Farida Karodia, Baleka Kgositsile, Arthur Maimane, Gcina Mhlophe, Njabulo Ndebele, Lauretta Ngcobo, George Heaton Nicholls, Lewis Nkosi, Sol Plaatje, Daphne Rooke, Olive Schreiner, Miriam Tlali, Marlene van Niekerk, Zoë Wicomb

I. Author Index

[Info] Graham, Lucy V. »‘A hidden side to the story’. Reading rape in recent South African literature.« Kunapipi 24 (2002): 9-24.

[Info] Reef, Anne. »Representations of rape in Apartheid and post-Apartheid South African literature.« Critical studies 16 (2005): 245-261.

[Info] Samuelson, Meg. »The rainbow womb. Rape and race in South African fiction of the transition.« Kunapipi 24 (2002): 88-100.

[Info] Samuelson, Meg. »Fictional representations of rape in South African fiction of the transition.« Africa, Europe, and post-colonialism. Racism, migration and disapora in African literatures. Edited by Susan Arndt et al. Bayreuth 2006: 183-193.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Ugandan Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Goretti Kyomuhendo

[Site] Zimbabwean Literature

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Authors: Chenjerai Hove, Yvonne Vera

I. Author Index

[Info] Neumann, Stephanie. Gebrochenes Schweigen: Körper, Gewalt und Erinnerung in der zimbabwischen Literatur der ‘90er Jahre. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2003.

II. Speaker Index


A m e r i c a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Argentine Literature

[Site] Brazilian Literature

[Site] Canadian Literature

[Info] Boire, Gary. »Transparencies. Of sexual abuse, ambivalence, and resistance.« Essays on Canadian writing Nos. 51-52 (1993-94): 211-232.

[Info] Brown, Anne. Viol conjugal et violence maritale dans le roman féminin des années soixante. Ottawa 1992.

[Info] Salaün, Élise. Oser Éros: L’érotisme dans le roman québécois des origines à nos jours. Québec 2010.

[Site] Chilean Literature

[Site] Colombian Literature

Authors: Amira de la Rosa

[Site] Cuban Literature

[Site] Ecuadorian Literature

[Site] Guadeloupean Literature

[Site] Haitian Literature

[Site] Mexican Literature

[Site] Peruvian Literature

[Info] Taipe Rodríguez, Roger. Tortura: De ficción literaria del conflicto armado interno a delito contra la humanidad. Tesis, Universidad Continental, 2020.

[Site] U.S. Literature

Authors: Nelson Algren, Dorothy Allison, Laurie Anderson, Maya Angelou, Catherine Atkins, James Baldwin, Djuna Barnes, M.F. Beal, Thomas Berger, Charles Bukowski, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Octavia Butler, Patrick Califia, Willa Cather, Patricia Chao, Charles W. Chesnutt, Sandra Cisneros, Amy Clampitt, Pat Conroy, Dennis Cooper, Lucha Corpi, Harry Crews, Elizabeth Dewberry, James Dickey, Thomas Dixon, Jr., Stephen R. Donaldson, Frances Driscoll, Celia Dropkin, T.S. Eliot, Brett Easton Ellis, Ralph Ellison, William Faulkner, Karen Finley, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Marilyn French, Diana Gabaldon, Cristina García, Elmer Harris, Ernest Hemingway, Frank Herbert, Carolivia Herron, James Hickey, Chester Himes, Robin Hobb, Pauline Hopkins, Langston Hughes, William Huie, Zora Neale Hurston, John Irving, Hadley Irwin, Georgia Douglas Johnson, Gayl Jones, Erica Jong, David H. Keller, Nora Okja Keller, Stephen King, Maxine Hong Kingston, Maxine Kumin, Nella Larsen, Chang-Rae Lee, Harper Lee, Ursula K. Le Guin, Ira Levin, H.P. Lovecraft Bernard Malamud, Loida Maritza Perez, George R.R. Martin, Richard Matheson Bruce McAllister, Cormac McCarthy, Robbie McCauley, Charles Mee, Eva Mekler, Oscar Micheaux, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Margaret Mitchell, Cherrie Moraga, N. Scott Momaday, Toni Morrison, Bharati Mukherjee, Vladimir Nabokov, Gloria Naylor, Agate Nesaule, Flannery O'Connor, Joyce Carol Oates, Cynthia Ozick, Therese Park, Walker Percy, Ann Petry, Sylvia Plath, James Purdy, Ayn Rand, Nora Roberts, Judith Rossner, Henry Roth, Joanna Russ John Sanford, Sapphire, May Sarton, Anne Sexton, Ntozake Shange, Sidney Sheldon, Caroline Slade, Agnes Smedley, Jane Smiley, Sherri Szeman, James Tipptree Jr., Omar Tyree, Paula Vogel, David Foster Wallace, Alice Walker, Betsy Warland, Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Eudora Welty, John Wexley, Tennessee Williams, Richard Wright, Karen Tei Yamashita | Horror Novels: I Am Legend

[Info] Atkins, Christine E. "Don’t Walk Alone": Twentieth Century American Women Writers and Narratives of Violence. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2000.

[Info] Bachner, Sally. The Prestige of Violence: American Fiction, 1962-2007. Athens 2011.

[Info] Butler-Evans, Elliott. »Beyond essentialism. Rethinking Afro-American cultural theory.« Inscriptions 5 (1989): 121-134.

[Info] Cerabino-Hess, Elizabeth. On nation and violation. Representations of rape in popular theatre and film of the "Progressive Era". Dissertation, New York University, 1997.

[Info] Chasteen, Amy L. Rape narratives in the United States. Feminism, culture and the construction of rape as a social problem. Ann Arbor 1998.

[Info] Elliott Hood, Kristin R. ‘The terror of trees and streets’. Lynching, rape, and interiority in African American women’s fiction. Ann Arbor 2003.

[Info] Ellman, Maud. »The power to tell. Rape, race and writing in Afro-American women’s fiction.« An introduction to contemporary fiction. International writing in English since 1970. Edited by Rod Mengham. Cambridge 1999: 32-52.

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Victim: Rescripting Rape in Contemporary American Fiction since 1970. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2006.

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Survivor: The Rape Novel in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction. Clemson 2020.

[Info] Frís, María. »You’ve come a long way, sister! Rape/sexual violence in Afro-American women writers’ discourse.« Actas III Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio dos Estados Unidos/Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS). Fin de siglo: Crisis y nuevos principios – Century ends: Crises and new beginnings. Edited by María José Alvarez Maurín et al. León 1999: 111-117.

[Info] Georgoudaki, Ekaterini. »Contemporary black American women poets. Resisting sexual violence.« Journal of American studies of Turkey No. 3 (1996): 107-124.

[Info] Gunning, Sandra. Race, rape, and lynching. The red record of American literature, 1890-1912. New York 1996.

[Info] Guttman, Sondra F. Representing rape, revising America. Sexual violence in American modernist and proletarian literatures. Ann Arbor 1999.

[Info] Herbert, T. Walter. Sexual violence and American manhood. Cambridge 2002.

[Info] Hopkins, Patricia D. Invisible woman. Reading rape and sexual exploitation in African-American literature. Ann Arbor 2002.

[Info] Horeck, Tanya. Public rape. Representing violation in fiction and film. London 2003.

[Info] Horvitz, Deborah M. Literary trauma. Sadism, memory, and sexual violence in American women’s fiction. Albany 2000.

[Info] Hubler, Angela E. »It Is Not Enough to Speak: Toward a Coalitional Consciousness in the Young Adult Rape Novel.« Children's Literature 45 (2017): 114-137.

[Info] Kubitschek, Missy D. »Subjugated knowledge. Toward a feminist exploration of rape in Afro-American fiction.« Black feminist criticism and critical theory. Edited by Joe Weixlmann et al. Greenwood 1988: 43-56.

[Info] Nesteruk, P. Referentiality and transgression. Representations of incest and child sexual abuse in American literature of the twentieth century. Dissertation, University of Nottingham, 1994.

[Info] Patterson, Laura S. »Ellipsis, ritual, and "real time". Rethinking the rape complex in Southern novels.« Mississippi quarterly 54 (2000-01): 37-58.

[Info] Rountree, Wendy A. The Contemporary African-American Female Bildungsroman. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cincinnati, 2001.

[Info] Schwenk, Katrin. »Lynching and rape. Border cases in African-American history and fiction.« The Black Columbiad. Defining moments in African-American literature and culture. Edited by Werner Sollors et al. Cambridge 1994: 312-324.

[Info] Shaw, Denise R. Lowly violence. Rape, loss, and melancholia in the modern Southern novel. Ann Arbor 2004.

[Info] Sielke, Sabine. »Gewalt gegen Frauen. Oder: Reading rape.« Gewalt in den USA. Edited by Hans Joas et al. Frankfurt/Main 1994: 191-221.

[Info] Sielke, Sabine. »Seduced and enslaved. Sexual violence in antebellum American literature and contemporary feminist discourse.« REAL 11 (1995): 299-324.

[Info] Sielke, Sabine. Reading rape. The rhetoric of sexual violence in American literature and culture, 1790-1990. Princeton 2002.

[Info] Stockton, Sharon. »Agency, inscription, and bodies of depth. Rape and technology in twentieth-century literature.« Weber studies 14 (1997): 115-122.

[Info] Stockton, Sharon. The Economics of Fantasy: Rape in Twentienth-Century Literature. Columbus 2006.

[Info] Stuhldreher, Karen. »State rape. Representations of rape in Viet Nam.« Viet Nam generation 5 (1994): 155-158.

[Info] Swiontkowski, Gale. Imagining incest. Sexton, Plath, Rich, and Olds on life with Daddy. Selinsgrove 2003.

[Info] Tanner, Laura E. Intimate violence. Reading rape and torture in twentieth-century fiction. Bloomington 1994.

[Info] Trujillo, Sarai. »Rape and the Image of Women: An Ethnographic Survey.« The Image of Violence in Literature, Media, and Society. Colorado Springs 2007.

[Info] Trujillo, Sarai M. »Rape and the Image of Women: An Ethnographic Survey.« The Image of Violence in Literature, Media, and Society II. Edited by Will Wright et al. Pueblo 2007: 178-181.

[Info] Weaver, Gina M. Ideologies of Forgetting: American Erasure of Women's Sexual Trauma in the Vietnam War. Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University, 2006.

[Info] Williams, Lynn B. »Images of Scottsboro.« Southern cultures 6 (2000): 50-67.

[Info] Young, Tiffany A. Rape in Contemporary American Literature: Writing Women As Rapeable. M.A. Thesis, Florida State University, 2007.

A s i a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Bangladeshi Literature

Authors: Rizia Rahman; Novels: Rokter Okkhor

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The raped woman as a horrific sublime and the Bangladesh war of 1971.« Journal of Material Culture (September 16, 2015).

[Site] Chinese Literature

[Site] Indian Literature

[Info] Sohn, Sukjoo. Strategic Transgressions and Agency in Postcolonial Indian Literature in English: Rohinton Mistry, Arundhati Roy, and Salman Rushdie. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2013.

[Info] Usha, A. From the Cradle to the Grave: A Study of the Problems Confronting the Female in Indian Writing in English. Ph.D. Thesis, Mother Teresa Women's University, 2013.

[Site] Indonesian Literature

[Info] Arnez, Monika. Politische Gewalt und Macht in indonesischer Literatur von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart. Dissertation, Universität Köln, 2002.

[Site] Iranian Literature

[Site] Israeli Literature

[Site] Japanese Literature

[Info] Sorgenfrei, Carol F. »Guilt, Nostalgia, and Victimhood: Korea in the Japanese Theatrical Imagination.« New Theatre Quarterly 29 (2013): 185-200.

[Site] Jordanian Literature

Authors: Fadia Faqir

[Site] Korean Literature

[Info] Barraclough, Ruth. »Tales of Seduction: Factory Girls in Korean Proletarian Literature.« Positions 14 (2006): 345-371.

[Info] Barraclough, Ruth. Factory Girl Literature: Sexuality, Violence, and Representation in Industrializing Korea. Berkeley 2012.

[Info] Barraclough, Ruth. »Factory Girl Literature: Sexuality, Violence and Representation in Industrializing Korea.« Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis 2012.

[Site] Nepali Literature

Authors: Parijat

[Site] Pakistani Literature

[Site] Palestinian Literature

[Site] Singaporean Literature

Authors: Lydia Kwa

[Site] Vietnamese Literature

Authors: Nguy?n Huy Thi?p

E u r o p e a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Austrian Literature

[Info] Schmidt-Bortenschlager, Sigrid. »Sexual Violence in Texts by Turn-of-the-Century Austrian Women Writers.« Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2002.

[Site] Czech Literature

[Site] Dutch Literature

Authors: Eddy du Perron

[Info] Kun, Cornelia. Ende des Schreckens. Gewalt in der niederländischen Literatur von Frauen 1990-1999. Dissertation, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 2005.

[Info] Kun, Cornelia. Ende des Schreckens. Gewalt in der niederländischen Literatur von Frauen 1990-1999. Saarbrücken 2007.

[Site] English Literature

[Info] Blain, Virginia. »‘Dinner is served’. The Hogarth Press, sexual abuse, and the ritual site of the dining room.« Virginia Woolf miscellany No. 42 (1994): 5.

[Info] Case, Sue-Ellen. »The power of sex. English plays by women 1958-1988.« Englisches Theater der Gegenwart. Geschichte(n) und Strukturen. Edited by Klaus P. Müller. Tübingen 1993: 61-72.

[Info] Klein, Hildegard. »Perpetrators and victims in British controversial – in-yer-face – drama of the 1990s.« Gender studies No. 4 (2005): 147-160.

[Info] Paxton, Nancy L. Writing under the Raj. Gender, race, and rape in the British colonial imagination, 1830-1947. New Brunswick 1999.

[Info] Solga, Kim. Invisible Acts: Performing Violence Against Women in Early Modern and Contemporary Drama in English. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2004.

[Site] Estonian Literature

Authors: Käbi Laretei

[Site] Finnish Literature

Authors: Märta Tikkanen

[Site] French Literature

[Site] German Literature

[Info] Cohen-Pfister, Laurel. »The Question of German Suffering: The Representation of the Rape of German Women in 1945 in German Texts of Post-Unification.« 9th Annual Loyola College Conference. Pozna? 2005.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »"Frau komm!" Vergewaltigungen 1945. Zur Geschichte eines Diskurses.« LiteraturGesellschaft DDR. Kanonkämpfe und ihre Geschichte(n). Edited by Birgit Dahlke et al. Stuttgart 2000: 275-311.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Constructing and Deconstructing a Culture of Rape: An Example from the German Literature.« Cultures of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts. London 2014.

[Info] Helduser, Urte. »‘Himmelbett des aufgeschlitzten Mädchens’. Darstellungen sexueller Gewalt in der Literatur der Weimarer Republik.« Deutschunterricht 52 (2000): 43-56.

[Info] Hill, Amy L. Death Does [not] Become Her: The Figure of the Lustmörderin and Abject Female Sexuality in Modern German Culture. Ph.D.Thesis, Vanderbilt University, 2023.

[Info] Komfort-Hein, Susanne. »Lustmord und Avantgarde: Konstruktionen von Autorschaft um 1900.« Lustmord: Medialisierungen eines kulturellen Phantasmas um 1900. Edited by Susanne Komfort-Hein et al. Königstein/Ts. 2007: 115-129.

[Info] Lindner, Martin. »Der Mythos ›Lustmord‹. Serienmörder in der deutschen Literatur, dem Film und der bildenden Kunst zwischen 1892 und 1932.« Verbrechen, Justiz, Medien. Konstellationen in Deutschland von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart. Edited by Joachim Linder et al. Tübingen 1999: 273-305.

[Info] Linklater, Beth. »"Philomela’s revenge". Challenges to rape in recent writing in German.« German life and letters 54 (2001): 253-271.

[Info] Stepanova, Elena. Den Krieg beschreiben: Der Vernichtungskrieg im Osten in deutscher und russischer Gegenwartsprosa. Bielefeld 2009.

[Info] Tatar, Maria. Lustmord. Sexual murder in Weimar Germany. Princeton 1995.

[Info] Willeke, Audrone B. »‘Father wants to tear out my tongue’. Daughters confront incestuous fathers in postwar German literature.« German life and letters 55 (2002): 100-116.

[Site] Greek Literature

[Info] Kontogeorgi, Theodora. »The Rape of Women in the Greek Prose of the Second World War, German Occupation and Greek Civil War: A Stigmatic Representation of Victimisation and Gender Difference.« Violence and Politics: Ideologies, Identities, Representations. Edited by Antonios Ampoutis et al. Newcastle upon Tyne 2018: 252-268.

[Site] Irish Literature

[Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. »Women Writing Violence: Rape, Murder and Mayhem on the Irish Stage.« Synge Summer School. Rathdrum 2010.

[Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. »Performing Gender, Performing Violence on the Northern Irish Stage: ‘Spittin’ Blood in a Belfast Sink'.« Contemporary Theatre Review 23 (2013): 302-313.

[Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. Rape on the Contemporary Stage. Cham 2018.

[Site] Italian Literature

[Info] Parisi, Luciano. Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902-2018). Alessandria 2021.

[Site] Lithuanian Literature

[Site] Polish Literature

[Site] Portuguese Literature

Authors: Mário Cláudio

[Site] Romanian Literature

Authors: Matei Vi?niec

[Site] Russian Literature

[Info] Dame, Natalia V. »From Virginal to Violated: The Narrative of Rape in Early Twentieth-Century Russian Visual and Literary Cultures.« 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies. Philadelphia 2015.

[Info] Stepanova, Elena. Den Krieg beschreiben: Der Vernichtungskrieg im Osten in deutscher und russischer Gegenwartsprosa. Bielefeld 2009.

[Site] Scottish Literature

[Site] Spanish Literature

[Site] Swiss Literature

[Site] Welsh Literature

Authors: Rachel Trezise

O c e a n i a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Australian Literature

[Info] Larcombe, Wendy. Compelling Engagements: Feminism, Rape Law and Romance Fiction. Annandale 2005.

[Site] New Zealand Literature

[Site] Samoan Literature

Authors: Sia Figiel